Saturday, March 1, 2014

Day 1 of Project 365!

Well, I said I would start a Project 365 as of today, and surprisingly (even to myself) I actually did it. My goal is to take a picture a day from today until March 1st pf next year. I don't have anything particular in mind. I just want to do this for myself and to expand my photography. I aim to take a photo of what inspires me each day and to make sure it exemplifies me and my life. I know this is a big project but hopefully I will learn from it.

Here are my very first photos from today. It is a very rainy day here in SoCal, which is unusual for anyone who lives here. But very much needed and appreciated. I decided that I should get a picture in the rain considering how rare an opportunity it is. So, I went out with my Nikon D3000 and my 55mm lens (my personal favorite) and take some quick snapshots on my way to the bank.

I hope you enjoy them. I enjoyed going out and getting wet while taking them. Luckily the big storm didn't hit until after I was safely inside. 

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