Friday, March 7, 2014

Week 1: Chaos and Beauty

With a mix of Winter weather and splashes of Spring sunshine, this week was one for the books down here in SoCal! Floods wreaked havoc for the first half of this week and sunny skies and terrible heat brought the week to a close. I guess its just another reason to love California.

I originally wanted to make a post once a day for my photos, but between three jobs and a fiance, that's most likely not going to happen. So I have decided that I will continue to take a photo a day, but I will only post once a week (time management skills at work here!). That should make it at least a tad bit easier to deal. Right?

So, here are the rest of my photos from this week (in order). I hope you like them. If you are interested in seeing my first photos posted, you can find them here.

As always, feel free to comment or question as desired! I look forward to hearing from you! :)

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